Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reason & Resolution steps for SQL server error 233

Are you getting below error message while connecting to the Microsoft SQL server?

If 'Yes' then don't worry!! You have reached at the right place.

After getting any error message; first of all check the error log for error message details recommended by experts. When you check error log; you may got given below details:

Cause: As per the above detail is explaining the maximum number of user connection is 1 and that is already reached the maximum value so you can't login to the MS SQL server. If you are system administrator of the database then you can increase the maximum value by using stored procedure (sp_configure) or connect with your system administrator if you can't increase the maximum value.

How to Increase Maximum Value: Follow below steps to increase the maximum value using sp_configure stored procedure:
  • Open the SQL server management studio (SSMS).
  • Now open a new query editor.
  • Write down below query in the query editor.
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'user connections', 0
  • Now press the execute button to execute the query.

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