Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Difference between DBMS and RDBMS

DBMS stands for database management system. It is a program that enables user to create, retrieve, extract and modify data from database. DBMS are of different type ranging from small system to large system, for example computerized library system, hospital management system, flight reservation system etc. The DBMS hides complex detail from users that is it relieves the use from knowing how the data is stored physically and complex algorithms used for performing operations on the database. It only tells how operations are performed to retrieve data from the database.

RDBMS short for relational database management system. It is a program that allow user to create, update and maintain a relational database. It stores data in the form of table. The major RDBMS products are Oracle, DB2, SQL, MySQL, Postgresql. RDBMS solution is required when large amounts of data are to be stored as well as maintained.

Comparison table

Database Management System
Relational Database Management System
No relationship concept
It shows relation between two tables
Does not support
User support
It support single user
It supports multiple users
Client-Server model
Does not support
Data model
It supports network, hierarchical model It supports only relational model
System Requirement
It requires low software and hardware equipments It requires high software and hardware equipment
Internal storage
It internally treats data as file It internally treats data as table
E.F CODD rules
It follows only 4/5 rules. It follows 12 rules.
Example of database
FoxPro, IMS
SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL
Constraints are not imposed at file level. It is programmers job to impose it at the application level.
Constraints are imposed at schema level.
Less secure
More secure
It is used for small business application.
It is used for large and complex applications.

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