Monday, September 19, 2011

Unable to Access SQL server 2000 Database?

Are you unable to access Microsoft SQL server 2000 database due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory space? This may happen due to database is marked as ISSHUTDOWN. You can check SQL server error log for details about error message. When you open the SQL server error log and got below error message:

Database '%.*ls' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server error log for details.

Causes for Error: As mentioned above, error message 945 is occur when database is marked as ISSHUTDOWN. You can verify this by using databaseproperty. Databaseproperty will show you that your database is in ISSHUTDOWN or not. After verify, you can check error log for causes and take a proper solution to resolve error 945. Below are the possible causes for error message 945.
Case1: One or more data or log files are missing.
Case2: Insufficient log space.
Case3: Insufficient data space.
Case4: Insufficient memory.

Resolutions: Follow below steps to recover SQL server error 945.

For Case1: Make sure files are available and bring database offline by using alter command and then make database online through alter command.

For Case2: If error log specifies that insufficient log space then use sp_add_log_file_recover_suspect_db() command to add another log and brought the database online.

For Case3: To add another data file use this stored procedure sp_ add_data_file_recover_suspect_db. This will add another database file to the database.

For Case4: If error log specifies that insufficient memory problem then take database offline through alter command and again make database online through alter command as we have done in case 1.

Something about databasepropery.

DatabaseProperty: It offers information about current database setting or properties of specified database. It shows several properties like Isdetached, Isemergencymode, Isinrecovery, Isreadonly, Isshutdown and many more.

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